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  1. W.Wu, Li Lu, Z. Zhong, K. Li, and Z. Jin, "A non-destructive method for detecting turn-to-turn resistivity distribution in NI REBCO coils" Superconductor Science and Technology, 36, 105004, 2023.

  2. Z. Zhong, W. Wu*, L. Lu, B. Shen, F. Dong, L.Wang, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "Time-variant magnetic field, voltage, and loss of no-insulation (NI) HTS magnet induced by dynamic resistance generation from external AC fields," Superconductor Science and Technology, 36, 055010, 2023.
  3. X. Pan, W. Wu*, X. Yu, L. Lu, C. Guo, and Y. Zhao, "Typical electrical, mechanical, electromechanical characteristics of  copper-encapsulated REBCO tapes after processing in temperature under 250 °C," Superconductor Science and Technology, 36, 034004, 2023.
  4. C. Pan, X. Yu, T. Qu, P. Song, L. Lu, Z.Zhong, Y. Wu, C. Guo, and W. Wu*, "Operation of Prototype Race-Track Closed-Loop HTS Coil with Metal-as-Insulation in Solid Nitrogen," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 33, 1-6, 2023.
  5. Z. Zhong, W. Wu*, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "Experiment and Numerical Modeling of Current Distributions Inside REBCO Tapes of No-Insulation Superconducting Magnet Coils Under Time-Varying Fields," Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 35, 3177-3188,2022.
  6. J. Wan, W. Wu*, Z. Zhong, L. Wang, C. Zhang, and Z. Jin, "Numerical Study on Dynamic Resistance of No-Insulation Series-Connected ReBCO Stacks," Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 36, 91-100, 2022.
  7. L. Lu, W. Wu*, Y. Gao, C. Pan, X. Yu, C.Zhang, and Z. Jin, "Study on current discrepancy and redistribution of HTS non-insulation closed-loop coils during charging/discharging and subsequent transient process toward steady-state operation," Superconductor Science and Technology, 35, 095001, 2022.
  8. Z. Zhong, W. Wu*, X. Wang, X.-F. Li, J.Sheng, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "Behaviour prediction of closed-loop HTS coils in non-uniform AC fields," Superconductor Science and Technology, 34,025016, 2021.
  9. Z. Zhong, W. Wu*, L. Wang, X.-F. Li, Z. Li, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "Study of Induced Current in Closed HTS Magnets Under AC Fields: Simulation and Experiment," Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 34, 2809-2819, 2021.
  10. Z. Zhong, W. Wu*, and Z. Jin, "Sharp demagnetization of closed-loop HTS coil in first cycle of external AC fields induced by unexpected dynamic resistance," Superconductor Science and Technology, 34,08LT01, 2021.
  11. J. Sheng, Y. H. Pan, J. J. Jiang, W. R. Li, B.Y. Shen, Z. W. Zhang, and W. Wu*, "A New Concept of a Hybrid Trapped Field Magnet," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29, 0603805,2019.
  12. Y. Pan, W. Wu*, S. Zhen, F. Dong, L. Wang, J.Chu, M. Wang, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "Investigation on Current Distribution and Joint Resistance-Overlap Length Relationship for Non-Superconducting Joints," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29, 8800305,2019.
  13. Y. Pan, W. Wu*, X. Yu, J. Sheng, X. Li, Z.Hong, and Z. Jin, "The Field Decay Characteristic for a Closed HTS No-Insulation Coil with Partial Tape Exposed to an AC Magnetic Field," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29, 2019.
  14. Y. Pan, W. Wu*, D. Qiu, J. Sheng, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "The Magnetic Field Stability of Double-Slit Jointless Stacked Pancake Coils After Thermal Quench," IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 29, 2019.
  15. J. Zuo, Y. Zhao, W. Wu*, J. Chu, Z. Zhang, Z.Hong, and Z. Jin, "Intermediate Phase Evolution in YBCO Superconducting Film Fabricated by Fluorine Free MOD Method," Journal of Inorganic Materials, 33, 773-778, 2018.
  16. Y. Pan, W. Wu*, J. Sheng, X. Li, F. Dong, M.Wang, Y. Zhao, Z. Zhang, Z. Li, Z. Huang, Z. Hong, and Z. Jin, "An equivalent homogenized model for non-superconducting joints made by ReBCO coated conductors," Superconductor Science & Technology, 31, 10, 2018.

  1. 高温超导闭环无绝缘线圈在交变外场环境中的电磁-热特性研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持,在研
  2. 高温超导直线电机制造及运行控制技术研究,上海市科委高新技术领域科研计划项目,主持,已结题
  3. 面向高速磁悬浮列车的闭环高温超导磁体励磁技术与运行特性研究,上海市青年科技启明星项目,主持,已结题
  4. 面向超高速磁浮系统的车载轻量化高温超导磁体研制,上海市科委高新技术领域科研计划项目,技术负责人,已结题
  5. 第二代高温超导带材接头的有限元仿真和实验研究,中国博士后基金,主持,已结题
  6. 高温超导磁浮交通系统发展战略及技术路径研究高温超导磁极耐冲击设计方案与失超特性研究,横向技术服务,主持
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  8. 低温超导磁体导冷系统组成,横向技术开发,主持

  1. 获2023年中国发明协会创业奖“创新奖”一等奖,排1
  2. 获2023年w88win中文手机版科研成果奖二等奖,排2
  3. 入选2022年度上海市“东方英才计划青年项目”
  4. 获2022年中国发明协会创业奖“成果奖”一等奖,排2
  5. 获2022年中国有色金属工业科学技术奖一等奖,排4
  6. 获2018年度w88win中文手机版博士后奖励基金一等奖
  7. 入选2018年度上海市“青年科技启明星”

  1. 担任中科院一区期刊《Superconductor Science and Technology》和《IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification》,以及《IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity》,《Cryogenics》,《Fundamental Research》,《电工技术学报》等期刊的审稿人,2023年9月获英国物理学会(IOP)颁发“可信赖审稿人( Trusted Reviewer )”荣誉
  2. 5次担任业内国内外学术会议分会场主席、技术委员会委员、学术专家组成员·
  3. 上海科技十四五规划专题报告超导领域编制组成员
